Friday, September 3, 2010

Congratulations to the Barlows!

District Gallery would like to congratulate Father Daughter Duo, Philip and Elizabeth Barlow, on a successful show.  The reception was well attended, and we continue to enjoy the energy their new body of work has generated.  Thank you Phil and Liz, and all our Patrons and Friends. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Friday: Elizabeth & Philip Barlow Artist Reception

Please join District Gallery and Artists Elizabeth & Philip Barlow for an Artist Show and Reception this Friday, August 6 from 5 -8 pm.  We'll have a festive feast & beautiful art available. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Park City Magazine

We are pleased to have the work of Don Prys grace the cover of the current issue of the Park City Magazine.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Art of the Steal

The District Gallery is sponsoring the upcoming film
"The Art of the Steal"
June 11, 12, 13
Friday & Saturday at 8 pm, Sunday at 6 pm
Rated: Not Rated, 101 min.
Underwritten by District Gallery
Born into a working class family in Philadelphia, Albert C. Barnes became a multi-millionaire. As his fortune grew, Barnes developed a taste for art and in time assembled one of the world's most remarkable private collections, featuring original paintings by Van Gogh, Renoir, Picasso, Cezanne and many other important artists. Barnes created the Barnes Foundation, a private gallery where he kept his collection in suburban Merion, PA, rather than share it with institutions such as the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Barnes died in 1951 and made strict provisions in his will that his collection was not to be sold, lent to other museums, or removed from the grounds of the Barnes Foundation. This film explores how greed, political power and good intentions colluded to violate Barnes's wishes and scatter his collection across the globe. The Art Of The Steal was an official selection at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools in the Wind Sculpture Garden

We were welcomed this 'Spring' morning with a lovely April Fools blanket of snow covering our Wind Sculpture Garden. Of course the skiiers love it:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Park City Magazine

We are pleased to see our artist Susie Anderson's painting 'Up 4th' selected for the cover of Park City Magazine's Winter/Spring 2010 issue. Congratulations!  SOLD

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jeff Ham Demonstration

We enjoyed having Jeff Ham demonstrate his vibrant painting style at the gallery last Friday. Facinating to watch the painting develop throughout the evening...